*  Math Program

The Mathematics curriculum is derived from the Australian Curriculum in middle school and the SACE or IB Diploma in senior school. Stage 1 Math Program is only designed for Year 11 students. It is based on SACE Curriculum, which is recognized locally, nationally and internationally.  The program is suitable for highly competent mathematics students who intend to do Math Method or Specialist Math at stage 2 level. Stage 2 Math Program is only designed for Year 12students. It includes General Math, Math Method and Specialist Math course. Use of technology is encouraged, especially to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts to demonstrate the transfer of knowledge. A variety of resources are available outside the classroom to reinforce student learning. Group sessions are available for all year levels.

*  Science Program

Students are offered an extensive range of science study options, both in middle school and senior secondary. All courses are fully aligned with Australian Science Curriculum, the SACE and the IB diploma. All programs are designed to help students in specific areas, which are biology, physics and chemistry. The courses are designed for students who want to pursue academic pathways and who are keen to further their studies in science.

*  English Program

The English curriculum is derived from the Australian Curriculum in middle school and the SACE or IB Diploma in senior school.  Through the study of language, novels, film, play and poetry students expand their language skills and their intellectual understandings. Literacy is developed using a Functional Grammar model. The program includes Reading, Comprehension, Analysis, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Oral Discussion, Writing and formatting skills.

Group sessions are available for middle school students and one to one session are available for Year 11 and Year 12 students.  

*  Language Program

The Languages program is based on the Australian Curriculum in the middle school and the SACE or IB Diploma in the senior school. Learning a new language is an enriching and cumulative process, which broadens the learner’s communication skills, provides opportunities to interact with others and helps to understand the values that are articulated through languages and cultures. The programs are designed with four levels of Chinese Learning. Level A is designed for Chinese Beginners. Level B is designed for Competent Chinese Learners. IB Chinese and SACE Chinese are designed for students who want to do this subject in their senior year level or have chosen the course. The senior programs focus to help students literacy, comprehension and writing skills. 

Year 7 to Year 10

Duration: 1.5 hours




Year 11 & Year 12

Duration:  2 hours

SACE programs







IB programs (SL/HL)


